Have you recently been diagnosed with gestational diabetes? Wondering what to do next? No need to panic! Today, I’ll be breaking down the basics of gestational diabetes, and sharing what you need to do in order to have a healthy delivery. It’s a test most women dread. I can’t tell…
Category: Intuitive Eating
Eating Disorders and Diabetes
Diet, exercise, medications, reduce complications. Those are the main things that come to mind when considering diabetes. Eating disorders may not be on your healthcare provider’s radar. However, the coexistence of eating disorders and diabetes happens. Eating disorders are on the rise. Interestingly, as we learn more about nutrition and…
Binging after Fasting: Fasting Isn’t Always Beneficial
Fasting is a popular weight-loss method. Whether you are fasting for days at a time or intermittent fasting, the health benefits are undeniable. But what does an anti-diet dietitian think about fasting? Today, I’m talking about binging after fasting, and reasons to fast besides weight loss. Proponents of fasting claim…
Are You A Chronic Dieter? Here’s 7 Ways To Stop Dieting
A chronic dieter is someone who is constantly jumping from one restrictive diet to the next. Is that you? Maybe you started with an innocent calorie-counting diet. Then, seeking improved health, you jumped on the low-carb bandwagon. After a while, paleo or clean eating sounded like a better option. Perhaps…
Is the Carnivore Diet Diabetes-Friendly?
I often get asked which diet is best for diabetes and diabetes prevention. Most often, I recommend intuitive eating for diabetes. But I don’t want to ignore science and new discoveries. Today, I’m answering the question, “Is the carnivore diet diabetes-friendly?”. The carnivore diet is a fad diet that has…
Intuitive Eating and Weight Gain: How to Deal with the Number on the Scale
Intuitive eating and weight gain sometimes go hand-in-hand. You are no longer restricting and you are finally allowing yourself to eat the foods you love. So you gain weight. In a body-obsessed culture, weight gain is often hard to take. How do you handle it? Anyone alive has dealt with…
Mindful Eating Exercises for Intuitive Eating
Do you eat lunch while checking your emails? Frequently munch on popcorn while you watch TV? Are you regularly eating and scrolling on social media? We are busy and constantly multi-tasking. Today I’m giving you some mindful eating exercises so you can be fully in tune with your body’s fullness…
What to Make for a Potluck: 20 Dietitian-Approved Recipes
Who doesn’t love a good potluck? A potluck is a wonderful opportunity to try new foods that you don’t make. But does figuring out what to make for a potluck stress you out? Tired of bringing the same old things? Here are some dietitian-approved potluck recipes that are sure to…
How an Anti-Diet Dietitian Can Help You
Seems weird, doesn’t it? A DIETitian that doesn’t do diets? Thankfully there is a growing number of non-diet dietitians out there that know how damaging diets can be. Today, I’m talking about why diets suck, what an anti-diet dietitian is, and why you should see one. First, let me start…
Food for Insulin Resistance: Do You Have to Cut Carbs?
Have you been told you have insulin resistance? Wondering if you need to change your diet? Are carbs bad for insulin resistance? What food for insulin resistance is best? If you have any of those questions, you are in the right place. Insulin resistance is the body’s inability to use…